Mrs Bel Meriem

Methods of management of autism

There is no cure for autism. Nevertheless, in practical, scientific studies have now demonstrated the efficacy of early treatment with behavioral methods Educational (ABA), cognitive (TEACCH) or developmental.

The scientific literature is unanimous on this point: we need the educational intervention is early, massive and structured [1]

The best results are obtained when the child receives support educational, behavioral, cognitive or developmental from his two years: "Thirty years of research have shown the efficacy of applied behavioral methods in reducing behavior problems and increase communication, learning and appropriate social behavior "[2].

Any intervention begins with a good evaluation. Once the developmental profile of the child determined, we develop an individualized plan that follows the team and parents will be applied within the structure and daily life of the child. Every year we evaluate the development of the child and one custom project rehabilitates the child during the review meetings.

Interventions focused on the communication
  Depending on the level of disability, the three main approaches are:

  Improving verbal language (this is ideal, but not always feasible)
  Teaching the use of images to communicate (PECS)
  Teaching sign language

  Behavioral and cognitive interventions
The behavioral intervention is very effective in treating disorders that are often present in autism. The procedure is usually used to replace inappropriate behavior by another adequate. It operates on the behavior itself and / or the causes of behavior.

There is evidence today that people with autism who received formal education are more independent, less medicated and more integrated into society than those who were depriv

Programme TEACCH
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