Mr Brown

Shoreditch is on the out skirts of city of London on the east end part of London. Shoreditch has been an ethnically diverse community since 17th century shordith had a thriving textile industry in the early part of the 19th century shordith was formerly a predominantly working class area. after the decline of the textile industry and the high poverty in the area, this caused housing prices in the area to fall dramatically, until the 90s when the place started to become trendy with old ware houses being converted into luxury flats and closed shop converted into trendy cafe new hotels were build in the area and small media companies moved into converted pubs, exclusive clubs and art galleries. All the changes were happen insight of a large amount of social housing in the area with mostly unemployed population expensive restaurant opposite chicken & chips shop, gated luxury flat opposite run down counsel estate at first glance shoreditch will looked like community in the perfect harmony but this is not the realty there is a big division because of the big influx of high earners to the area. For example a 2 bed room flat in shorditch in 1997 was 90.000 the same flats are going for 350.000 now (the community equity trust) the average person in the area has no hope of ever getting on the property ladder this in turn has cause the prices in the local shop to rice. During the second 'dot-com' boom the area was popular with London based web technology companies who base their head offices around the surrounding area (Taylor 2001: 61) shorditch has become a community with vast amount of inequalities.
1: social exclusion
This is where the locale population cannot afford to entertain them self in they own environment this because the prices in these new trendy bars are triple the prices of the old fashion pubs, these trendy bars and restaurant are geared predominately towards high end marked, parking spaces for locales have decrees this...