Moving and Handling

CU2645 Move and Position Individuals in Accordance with their Plan of Care

  1. Understand anatomy and physiology in relation to moving and positioning individuals.
      2.1 Outline the anatomy and physiology of the human body in relation to the importance of correct moving and positioning of individuals.
We need to understand that elderly people are not as supple as younger people and even if they do not suffer movement restriction through a medical condition. They bruise easier too and so great care has to be taken when handling, moving and positioning them especially when assisting them to sit up or when using the hoist strap.
Failure to follow the care plan and any presenting conditions can lead to causing the individual injury, pain and discomfort. It may also lead to legal action being raised.

      2.2 Describe the impact of specific conditions on the correct movement and positioning of an individual.
Specific conditions affecting individuals could be :
Arthritis, stiff, possibly swollen, painful joints and frequently have limited movement in the affected areas.
Cerebral palsy, 3 main types, may affect muscle tone, communcation may also be affected.
Spinal injury, symptons can very   from pain to paralysis.
A stroke, paralysis or weakness which effects one side of their body, or they may be in a deep coma, need to know what part of the body had been affected, person's communication may be affected: need to be observant for signs of pain or discomfort ie. non-verbal communication, pressure sores, etc.
Parkinsons, limb rigidity, person may have slower reaction times, they may have communcation difficulties.

  2. Understand current legislation and agreed ways of working when moving and positioning individuals.
      3.3 Describe how current legislation and agreed ways of working affect working practices related to moving and positioning individuals.
Every time a care worker moves or supports the weight of a service user they are manually...