Module C Conflicting Perspectives - Julius Caesar

[To what extent has Textual form shaped your understanding of conflicting perspectives?
ref. your prescribed text and at least ONE other text.]

Humans exist as creatures of conflict. Exploring different perspectives of these conflicts provides an accurate insight toward the basis of humanity. Both Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar and Cormac McCathy’s The Road affected by textual form that illustrates the complexity of the human condition through the mediums of ancient Roman political society, and a post-apocalyptic dystopian world.

The conflict between characters within Julius Caesar can be better appreciated with the knowledge of how textual form affects perception of characters and their actions. The character Julius Caesar is subject to many various conflicts both internally and externally. One such conflict is Cassius’ hate for Caesar. Cassius’ perspective of Caesar is one clouded by jealousy and envy. Cassius cannot respect a man of “such feeble temper” (alluding to caesar’s illness of epilepsy). Cassius also sarcastically refers to Caesar as “this God” further pronouncing his dislike for Caesar and the conflict between them. Cassius also initiates the use of animal motifs to describe Caesar “Roars as the lion”, outlining the numerous perspectives of Caesar’s character; the metaphorical “wolf” hunting the Roman “sheep”. Brutus’ opinion directly corresponds the exclamatory language of Cassius “so vile a thing as Caesar,” though his motives are less personal, rather Brutus prefers to work towards the greater good - or more accurately, his interpretation of what that may be. This conflict between characters is more easily recognised and defined by an appreciation of textual form.

Self conflict is represented within the play predominately by the characters Caesar and Brutus. this self conflict, aided by an understanding of textual forms provides an accurate insight into the basis of humanity. Brutus’ greatest conflict is based upon a manipulated...

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