
Principles of safeguarding and protection in health and social care
Task A
PHYSICAL ABUSE-   is physical force or violence that results in bodily injury, pain or impairment.
SEXUAL ABUSE-   is when an individual engages in sexual activity without consenting to do so.
EMOTIONAL/PSYCHOLOGICAL ABUSE- Is a non-physical controlling behavior that causes emotional damage and undermines a person sense of well being  
FINANCIAL ABUSE- Financial abuse is when someone tells you what you can and cannot buy or requiring you to share control of your bank accounts.
INSTITUTIONAL ABUSE- Is the mistreatment of people brought by poor or inadequate care or support, or the poor practice that affects the whole care setting.
SELF NEGLECT- is where an individual neglects to attend to their needs such as personal hygiene, appropriate clothing, eating.
NEGLECT BY OTHERS- Is a passive form of abuse in which a person is responsible to provide care for someone who is unable to care for themselves, but fails to provide adequate care to that person.
Physical abuse signs and symptoms-Series of unexplained falls or major injuries/bruises at different stages of healing. Bruising in usual places, teeth indentations, injuries to head/face, burns. A person being very passive.
Sexual abuse signs and symptoms- change in behavior, overt sexual behavior or language, difficulty in walking/sitting, injuries to genital area or anal area or both.
Emotional/psychological abuse signs and symptoms-unexplained withdrawal from normal activities, changes in behavior, unusual depression, fear and anxiety, anger, denial, hesitation to talk openly.
Financial abuse signs and symptoms-no money, food, clothes, large withdrawals of money from a bank account, sudden changes to a will, valuable things going missing.
Institutional abuse signs and symptoms-inability to make choices or decisions, agitation/disorientation, patterns of challenging behavior, No evidence of care plans that focus on an...