
Erin Bailey
Assignment 204 Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in work with children and young people.
Task A
1. The candidate is required to read the scenario below and complete the activity that follows:
You have been asked to produce an information area in your work place for staff, parents, careers, children and young people, with the aim of supporting and raising their awareness of equality, diversity and inclusion.
Create some of the information needed for this area as follows:
a) An explanation of what is meant by:
Equality -   As a practitioner your work brings you into contact with children, parents, careers and colleagues from a variety of different areas of race, gender, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation and age. Equality is ensuring these individuals or groups of individuals are treated fairly and equally and no less or more favorably.
Diversity - Diversity aims to recognise, respect and value people’s differences. Diversity is knowing how to relate to groups outside of the ones we belong to. As a practitioner we have an opportunity to make individuals feel valued by recognising and celebrating diversity in our settings.
Inclusion - Inclusion is about taking action in our roles to remove barriers to participation and learning so that children feel valued and are able to achieve at the highest level they can. Inclusion also involves eliminating discrimination and promoting equality.
b) A list of the current legislation and codes of practice relating to equality, diversity and inclusion in a school environment, with summary of the main points.
  * The UNCRC 1989
  * Special Education Needs and Disability Act 2001
  * The children Act 1989
  * Equality Act 2010
  * Removing barriers to achievement 2004
  * Code of practice on the duty to promote race equality 2007

The UNCRC 1989
The CRC was adopted by the United Nations in November 1989, the UK signed in 1991. It promotes that every...