Microsystem and Exosystem

Physcolosist Urie Bronfenbrenner’s system identifies the environment as the driving force that influences ones development.   From his study, Bronfenbrenner divided the environment into three systems; the microsystem, the exosystem, and the macrosystem in an effort to aid in the analyses of the development of adults.
The Microsystem identifies the core fundamentals of family, peers, classroom and religious settings and the impact of these fundamentals during the childhood years.   The microsystem is the building blocks of the foundation for the adult years.   It is from these fundamentals a child will choose to either emulate or deviate as they develop into a young adult.  
One may conclude that family is the dominant aspect of this level.   Family is ones rock from which they gain strength, love and support when growing up.   As the old saying goes, blood is thicker than water, and with family, one will always have a bond that is unique from everyone else.
While the Exosystem encompases the community, mass media, school and health agencies, and the affect they play in development of the next phase of adult hood.   Not every young adult likes school; there are those who prefer to work with their hands to build and or make things.   Mass media is widespread globally and can influence the behavior, both good and bad, of young adults and at times, risk prevails such as the Columbine Massacre.   Community can play a huge role in shaping a young adults life!   If embraced, community will afford young adults the opportunity to experience situations the young adult may not have otherwise had the opportunity to experience; such as, community service, specifically, Adopting a Highway.   The benefit of this activity is the young adult contributes in giving something back to their community and equally important, the earth.   This provides a feeling of contribution and pride

with their surroundings further shaping the young adult.   Finally, health agencies take care of young...