
Micrococcus luteus
      In Microbiology lab I have learned a variety of different test that can be experimented with bacteria that will help prove what bacteria I have chosen for my project.  Therefore, I am writing this paper to show that my results will provide evidence stating that my bacteria is Micrococcus luteus. 

            More specifically, in finding my evidence, multiple tests were introduced to my bacteria to determine how it would respond.  The first test that will be discussed is a gram stain.  This is one of the most important parts in figuring out bacteria.  Usually a Gram-positive cell will appear purple and a Gram-negative will appear pink.  My results for this test were Gram-positive cocci.  A capsule stain is preformed to see if the bacteria cells of some species are protected against harsh environmental conditions.   A capsule is a complex layer of sugars and proteins called a capsule (Chess 325).   Results for my experiment came out negative for this test; therefore I did not observe capsules.   An Endospore stain may also be done testing for spores that provide protected structures that allow the cell to survive harsh condition.   Most bacteria cannot live if conditions are not right for them.   For example temperature is a huge factor in bacteria growth.  I received a negative result, in other words, my bacteria has no spores.  My bacteria are also resistant to the antibiotics Ampucillin and Bacitracin.  

      An Eosin Methylene Blue (EMB) agar is used for the detection of enteric bacteria in dairy products and foods; this test uses two dyes, eosin and methylene blue, to suppress the growth of Gram-positive organisms (Chess 391)  Because my bacteria are Gram-positive, I had no growth for this test.   Kligler’s iron agar (KIA) contains a small amount of glucose and a much larger quantity of lactose as well as a pH indicator that signifies the production of acid resulting from the fermentation of either sugar (Chess 415).   My test results...