
Get Busy Working on the Proof
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Get Busy Working on the Proof
Resisting change is a natural reaction. While it is true that certain personalities thrive on the borderline chaos that accompanies change, most people today would indicate their preference for consistency and predictability. The introduction and management of change, even for those who would benefit most, often show a clear desire to avoid it In an article written for, Trout (2006) shared a thought from The Canadian Economist, and Harvard Professor, John Kenneth Galbraith that seems appropriate for this topic, as he very eloquently shared his insight to the change management process. He stated; “Faced with the choice between changing one's mind and proving that there is no need to do so, almost everyone gets busy on the proof.” Leaders and managers must be certain, that the change introduced, and its effect on the company, especially at the operational level, will be beneficial. One of the simplest and best ways to facilitate or manage change in a workplace, and something that will be a focus in this document, is through the development of a sound plan, combined with the introduction to and consistent reinforcement of of the company’s mission, vision, and values statements.
Finding the Right Plan
There are as many ways to assess a problem as there are problems requiring assessment. To keep the focus simple, the example used here is the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). It works very much as the processes reviewed in the current text with subtle differences. The SDLC has four primary steps, which are, initiation, analysis, design, and implementation. Each of the four primary steps is broken down to a base function.
From Planning to Implementation
In the initiation step, the goal is to identify the problem. To do this, managers may pour over historical data, or simply conduct a poll asking the workers who are most familiar...