
Special Memories
  These should jog your brains!

My first cooking lesson from Gram:
Pork chops covered with onions, carrots, and potatoes in an electric
fry pan.

“Never have pizza for dinner without
Salad!” said Gram.

Gram taught me to give Paul graham crackers & milk made into cereal to keep him sleeping thru the nite.

“One must have a mushroom brush” says she.

I learned about Smith & Kearns, Scotch & Water, Manhattans with an olive not a cherry.

Cocktail time’s call: Dinner Is Ready, always produced in unison, “well maybe just a half.”

ABSOLUTELY no football during dinner on Thanksgiving.

When in Shawano,   Mommo served ham & duck.

Making pickles with Mommo & Boppy in the screened in porch with the wash tubs full of cukes. Mommo’s French fried onion rings, she must have been frying for hours to feed us all. I learned a new card game, 500.

Jean’s wedding at the Madison Club. I didn’t dance too well with Gramps; I wonder if it was him or me?????

Church, and afterwards the always anxiously awaited Bloody Mary’s, with a pickle no less!

Helping at the office for the upcoming events for the Farm Equip. Assoc. (??)

Somewhere in there I recall beers at a German beer garden. Las Vegas nite perhaps.

Then there was, THE Most unforgettable Grande Hotel on Mackinac Island.

Paul and I and Gramps climbing around at Fort Mackinac, Gramp’s & his Mexican Scrambled eggs, the piano in the lobby, such class. Luncheons at the buffet on the huge porch. No cars allowed on the island; we took a horse & carriage to the village.

The steep hill down to the ”pool“ (if I
recall correctly). AND, I even remember what nightgown I wore!

I can visualize a Christmas on Hiawatha Circle; Rick & Ruth’s first one together I think, opening a box of cheese, olives, sausage, from Tom & I.
They wore matching red sweaters.   Just like Tom & I did in Mary Brackob’s white house on Main St. We were opening wedding gifts. That house was moved in...