Meji Restoration

Meiji Restoration

The Meiji restoration was known as the Meiji Ishin or Revolution where it was ruled by Mutsuhito in 1867 but after dismissed the shoguns and ended the Bakufu. Soon he changed his name to Meiji this reign of the Emperor was the beginning of Japan’s Modernisation and move towards Western influences. The move towards the western brought in stuff like the guns, trains, parliament and many more in which the Japanese people were not used to and were surprised to see changes. The most important change the Japanese were known for were their Army how Japan changed from Samurai’s fighting with swords which was their traditional weapon to a typical western army with guns. Catching up on the military sector was, of course, a high priority for Japan in an era of European and American imperialism. Universal conscription was introduced, and a new army modelled after the Prussian force, and a navy after the British one were established. The Japanese proves their Armies strength during the Sino-Japanese in 1894-95 between china and Japan in the interest of Korea. The Japanese defeated the Chinese also received Taiwan but it was forced by Russia, France and Germany to return other territories. The so called Triple Intervention caused the Japanese army and navy to intensify their rearmament. Then the Japanese began an interest in Manchuria which led to another conflict Russo-Japanese war in 1904-05 between Russia and Japan. This war was watched by Western Europeans carefully because even though the Japanese defeated a big nation like China some were unconcern that the Japanese would lose and some others were sure Russia would win. But soon when the war ended was ended by the treaty of Portsmouth in 5th September 1905, the Japanese gained some international respect due to the fact this was the first time an Asian power had defeated a European power.

The other impact that had on Japan been the formation of the Parliament with its first European style...