Mechanical Vision

Machine vision class assignment
Stanislav Kovaˇiˇ, Aleˇ Leonardis, Matej Kristan, Janez Perˇ cc s s 21. november 2010
Povzetek This document describes a class assignment for the school year 2000/2011 that should be completed no later than January 31, 2011. The assignment consists of four sequentially related parts that you have to complete within three-week intervals. A successfully completed assignment gives you 5 ECTS, equivalent to 125 hours of student work required for the Machine vision course.



Description and requirements

The main goal is to design a working prototype for active acquisition of images of limited number of various business cards that will be robust against lighting, position, orientation, scale, and shape variations. The only assumption will be that the card is a planar object and occupies substantial part of the image. In other words, the card itself is a dominant object in the scene. The prototype shall provide the following functionality. A person shows a business card to the camera (e.g. USB camera connected to the PC), while translating and rotating it against the camera. In the acquired sequence of images the algorithm first searches for image features that are present in the largest planar surface, assuming that the largest surface corresponds to the card. This way the largest plane – and therefore the card – is detected. These features are used to segment the card in each image in the sequence and knowing the correspondence among image features in the images we can put them into alignment, i.e. translate and rotate them into a preselected reference position. We can expect that not all regions in one image are of equal quality in all images. Therefore, we can combine the best parts (regions) among all images to produce a better image. We can also store the feature descriptors that have been selected during detection phase (a model) for later use. We can do so for each and every business card. Later on, when one of the...