Mean Girls

Regina George is in high school and is the leader of the “Plastics.” The “Plastics” are a group of three girls that rule the popular crowd. All of the other girls were afraid of the “Plastics” but still wanted to be one of them, act like them, and even dress like them.
Law of effect is Thorndike’s principle that behaviors followed by favorable consequences become more likely, and that behaviors followed by unfavorable consequences become less likely.   The type of consequences either positive or negative will dictate whether or not a behavior continues. In the case of Regina George, if her friends approved with her being rude and mean to everyone else then her behavior would continue. They would approve with whatever she would do because they didn’t want to not be liked by her.  
According to Freud, id is an unconscious psychic energy constantly striving to satisfy needs and wants. Id operates on the pleasure principle demanding immediate gratification.   Regina strived for wanting to be popular and when spring queen. She tried with no regard for anyone else in her way. She would also put anyone and everyone down just so she could pleasure herself.
Modeling is the process of observing and imitating a specific behavior. In the movie a new girl from Africa came to the school and attempted to bring down the mean girl group. While doing so the girl infiltrated the “Plastics” by acting like them but what had happened was by modeling she became one of them. In other words it had the opposite outcome.
Preconventional morality is considered to be before age nine, which most children focus on their self-interests. Regina hasn’t passed this stage because her parents let her do whatever she wants and dress however she wants with no questions about it. All of her actions and thoughts are self-motivated. She doesn’t think about anyone else’s feelings besides herself.
Unconditional positive regard is a kind of blanket acceptance. Rogers believed that people needed this...