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History Midterm 48 terms by Victoria_elizabeth12
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The Bering Strait A land bridge created during the Ice age.
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Paleo-Indians 13,500-10,000 BC- hunter gatherers. hunted small game mammoths and mastodons and used tools such as the Clovis point. used atlatl
Archaic Indians 8,500 to 3,000 BC- hunter gatherers. Although they built houses they were not sedentary. Diet composed of squash gourds and corn.
Mississippian Indians 800-1300 AD- Sedentary. They lived on mounds had chiefdoms and were know for the decorative pottery
Hohokam 1-1400 AD- They built/engineered canals and grew cotton,tobacco,corn, beans, and squash.Mysteriously disappeared around 1400 AD probably due to famine or disease.
Anasazi Indians 1-1450 AD- Cliff dwelling Indians from Utah and ancestors of Pueblo Indians who lived in an agricultural society.
Mexica Established an empire
Territory the size of Spain with 3x's the population
Other tribes paid tribute
Capitol: Tenochtitlan
Large cities, extravagant temples, markets, gardens, stores of gold and other treasures
Trade routes search for a quicker trade rout to asia
Black Death Also known as the Bubonic plague. Killed 2/3 of Europe's population in the 14th century.
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navigation technologies The magnetic compass and astrolabe.
caravels New and improved ships for travel.
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Northwest Passage ...
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Hernan Cortes Spanish conquistador known for his...