Marketing Management

Mission and Vision
Our mission
We help communications service providers build more valueable customer relationships
Our vision
The individual experiences

The purpose of this marketing plan is to clearly identify the direction that we have decided to take in order to MARKET our business - to promote our business, attract and retain customers and exploit identified marketplace opportunities. The marketing planning process forces us to assess what is going on in your marketplace and how it affects our business. Living in a global world , we are predominantly ruled by gadgets of all kinds . We all are addicted to the charm and charisma that technology brings in our lives and this has turned luxuries in to necessities . But still man is not satisfied with the technological awareness he wants more and more to make his life easier . To satisfy this desire we bring to you “CANBERRY” not only conferencing capabilities but also GPS features .
The young executives of today and the senior officers at work find it extremely tiring to be able to contact just one person at a time while they need to talk to multiple people simultaneously . Our new product solves this problem by allowing users to engage in a conference call by selecting a distribution group , contact group , or by multi-selecting users in the Contact List . Managers engaged in a one-to-one call can invite other participants to the conversation to create a multi-party conference and thereby use time effectively by interacting with multiple people at the same time (Positioning a New Product in an Uncertain Market ). The real goal here was to build a high-end device that was the ultimate “Canberry” to date . It is targeted for both the business executives and the ``gadgetholics ' who just have to have the best gadget in the market (Positioning a New Product in an Uncertain Market ).
We are trying to reach out to more consumers and acquire market share in the mobile phone segment. Further...