Market Reports on India Presents the Latest Report on “Market Report on Base Metals Mining in India to 2020” Http: //Www.Marketreportsonindia.Com/Industry-Mfg-Market-Research-Reports-11629/Base-Metals-Mining-India.Html

Market reports on India presents the latest report on “Market Report on Base Metals Mining in India to 2020” The report contains an overview of the Indian base metals (copper, lead and zinc) mining industry together with the key factors affecting the industry and demand for the commodities.

14th Jan 2016, – Navi Mumbai, India: Market reports on India presents the latest report on “Market Report on Base Metals Mining in India to 2020”.The report also includes factors affecting demand for base metals (copper, lead and zinc), profiles of major base metal producing companies and information on the active, exploration and development copper, lead and zinc projects.


'Base Metals Mining in India to 2020' report comprehensively covers Indian reserves of base metals (copper, lead and zinc), metal resources by state, the historic and forecast data on copper, lead and zinc (base metals) mine production, historic and forecast data on refined copper, lead and zinc metal consumption, copper ores and concentrates imports and lead and zinc imports by country.

The report also includes factors affecting demand for base metals (copper, lead and zinc), profiles of major base metal producing companies and information on the active, exploration and development copper, lead and zinc projects.

The Fiscal Regime section provides information about the country's regulatory authority, laws, licenses and other fiscal regime information such as taxes, rates and other charges applicable to the mining of the commodity in the country.

It is an essential tool for companies active in Indian mining, and for new competitors considering entering the industry.


India has significant resources of copper, lead, zinc, coal, nickel, iron ore and gold. At the end of April 2013, the country had 12.2 million tonnes (Mt) of copper, 12Mt of lead and 35.9Mt of zinc...