Management Human Capital

University of Wales Institute, Cardiff
London School of commerce

MBA 1 – Group A

Management Human Capital Assignment

Joel Ngabiapsi Kamdem     L0186FKFK0611

Lecturers: David Hall & Rajendra Kumar

August 2011

Table of Contents

Introduction 2
I- Management between private and professional life 3
A. Definitions 3
1- Private life 3
2- Professional life 3
B. What means Management between private and professional life? 3
1- Conciliation for   employees 3
2- Conciliation for   employers 4
II- Some ways to manage challenges facing dual career couples and parent employees in a small company 5
A. Short term solutions 5
1- Reorganization of working time 5
2- More paid leaves 6
B. Long term solutions 8
1- Teleworking 8
2- Partnership with day nurseries 10
Conclusion and Recommendations 11
References 12


Human Resource Management consist in the planning, organisation, development and coordination, as well as control of techniques, that enable the company to complete the efficient performance of employees and at the same time allows indirectly and directly that the people who collaborate within the company will reach their personal objectives (John B., 2007). Management Human Capital means to conquer and maintain people in the organisation, who will work and give the maximum of themselves, with a positive and favourable attitude (Laurie J. M., 2002). HR represents all those things that cause the personnel remains in the organisation.
The following work will attempt to answer this question: Do you think services for dual-career couples and parents employees provided by large corporations have far greater resources than smaller companies?
Nowadays, we witness changes in many aspect of the business environment. The globalisation of markets leads to the competition intensification between firms and the introduction of new technologies. Managers have to make their Employees work harder to remain...