
After analysing the the novel "Maestro", written by Peter Goldsworthy and the unknown photography of 'Last Jew of Vinnitsa' it is evident that the composers are allowing the audience to distinctievly visualise various the concepts of World War 2 and the after effects on an individual. By portraying symbloic images through similies, metphors, symbolism, allegory and the use of descriptive and emotive language in "Maestro" the composer accuately incorporates themes such as power, society's attitude towards cruelty and violence, culture and the obsession with perfection to create distinctive images and emotions.
To distinctively visualise the reciever must consider the setting;
Maestro- moist, humpid, damp, Darwin- strong sense of emotion and sexuality.
Last Jew in Vinnitsa- black and white colour technique empathises the depressing dark sky and dry land- negative tone.

Maestro- Pauls perspective from he was 15, arrogant, self centered.
-Opens with Pauls first encounter with Maestro- descriptive language"a boozers incandescent glow'- town drunk- misleading- his appearace foreshadows his personal and culture issues in Keller's past- associated with the extermination of Jewish Culture
Picture- central factor- last Jew in the area of Vinnitsa- lighting reflecting off his face- dark toned photograph- Nazis onlooking.
Maestro- keller resents the extermination-shock that genocide occured in the civilized centers of Europe creates a bitter contempt for Vienna "nothing could ever make me homesick"- The photograph is sybloic for this- Keller lost his trust in any society and culture and refuses to conform to another- his move to the low cultural areaa, Darwin, demonstrates this- contrast Paul's community and social family.
Both Text- Victimized by abuse of power.
Maestro-Jimmy Pappas foreshadows Keller's experience with Hitler and Nazis.
Keller- renowned musician in Vienna, "becoming so visible that nothing can touch him"- believed he and his family were exempt...