Maestro Essay

Good morning/afternoon year 12, today I will talk about how distinctively visual techniques are emphasise in Maestro and my related text the film Schindler’s List and the ways individual’s respond to significant aspects in maestro and my related text the film Schindlers List. Goldsworthy is a poet and has painted his techniques through words in his first novel, while the film shows the visual techniques for example, camera angles and black and white to emphasise aspects of life.

An obvious theme in both texts is the growth of relationships. In Goldsworthy’s Maestro there is a growth in relationship between the fifteen-year-old Paul and Herr Keller, which began in Darwin when Herr Keller is asked to teach piano.   This is shown when Paul’s receives his a card from Keller, which he responds by saying “I was a little surprised to receive a card and a crude bachelor – wrapped in parcel in return… my mother was highly amused… feel flattered she said. Those words are the nearest he can get to say he misses you.” Particularly when the family was away in Adelaide for Christmas.

In the beginning of my related text, the movie Schindlers List we see that Oskar Schindler used cheap Jewish labour to start a factory in occupied Poland. He is appealing and vain person who is a greedy businessman. His relationship with his employees is probably just that, employer to employee and nothing more. As World War II progresses, and the fate of the Jews becomes more and more obvious, Schindler's motivations switch from profit to human sympathy and determination to ultimately save over 1100 Jews from death in the gas chambers. He finds the factory accountant Itzhak Stern to be a loyal friend, confidant, and one to be admired for his equal role in trying to save as many of his fellow Jews as possible. By the end of the movie, the two men had become mutually respected allies who had attained a common goal and had become dear friends for life in the process. Oskar Schindler lost all his...