
Alejandro Delgado
Shakespeare has been known throughout the world as one of, or even the, greatest writer of all time and is most famous for his plays, which contain much sophistication in language and juxtaposes many ideas and morals that are still relevant in our modern age. Macbeth is one of these plays. Considered Shakespeare’s shortest tragedy, it contains the exact elements that I stated before, but because of it’s length, it’s has more of a “punch” of basicality and strength in it, which makes it stand apart from other plays. Saying this, “fair is foul. Foul is fair” is a very basic statement, but it is indeed the whole idea about Macbeth!
First of all, “Fair is Foul. Foul is Fair” is, by literary terms, a oxymoron. Foul and Fair are opposites of each other, so that means the statement makes absolute no sense by objective terms. But in fact, it is a statement of perspectivism that Shakespeare shows through the main character, Macbeth. The statement is said in Act 1 Scene 1, spoken by one of three witches talking about the events to follow, which includes something to do with Macbeth. So in a way, the statement had to do with Macbeth and what it relates with him. Basically, by what witch meant was that what they perceive as bad is what most normal people would good, and vice versa. This shows a lot with Macbeth.
Macbeth was once a hero on the battlefield who won battles for King Duncan and Scotland. However, after the witches told their prophecy toward Macbeth, the latter started to see things in a different, one more similar to that of the witches. As we can see, the whole concept of good and evil is put into question with what happened to Macbeth, a character who decided that is was good of him to do what normal people would perceive as evil to achieve his fate and become king. His morality is changed, and we can see that morality and other concepts are bendable and can be deconstructed to be in different perspectives.