
Heartache Stories
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Love Stories, Heartache stories
Astorytoshare collects and displays peoples true stories, anonymous stories submitted through the internet, true stories of heartache and true stories of love from people all over the world, stories submitted from all walks of life, from people who have an experience and A Story To Share, with the hope that readers can gain support and guidance, less heartache and more love through the experiences in the stories of others.

Click on Love or Heartache on the left to open the index of the ten most recently submitted stories for each category, or read hundreds of similar love stories or heartache stories in our archive section. Inspirational thoughts can be found in the quotes pages, where you can add a thought of your own. Stories are added regularly and you can anonymously submit a story of your own using our send your story link. We do not expect stories of great epic, just stories of real experience.

Stories are posted with total anonymity and our policy of total privacy means you will never be contacted by us or any readers and your individual identity cannot be discovered by readers.

We do recommend that if your story is of a sensitive nature that you conceal the identities of the subjects within, if you ask, we will do that for you. You can choose your own title, or leave it to us, it's up to you.

Remember, someone, somewhere will read your story and be it a happy story or a story with sadness, it may have as much meaning to the reader, as it has to you. You may even receive support from the many thousands of visitors to this site or give guidance to the anonymous contributors of the stories you have read using the astorytoshare message board .

Many of us lead similar lives, if we can gain experience from each other, our lives hopefully, should be easier. Feel free to contact us with any...