Living with Diabetes

Living with Diabetes
Diabetes is a metabolic disease in which a person’s ability to produce insulin is inadequate causing a person’s blood glucose or blood sugar levels to become high. It is a long term condition brought on by a combination of factors including heredity, unhealthy lifestyle and even pregnancy. In 2013, an estimated 382 million people worldwide had diabetes. Diabetes is sometimes called the Silent Killer because 1.5 million people have it and most don’t even know they have it. Even when people are aware that they are aware they have it, they fail to grasp the seriousness of it and do not take steps to make the necessary changes in their lifestyle in order to control it. Most people who lost the fight against diabetes will die from complications from diabetes rather than from diabetes itself.
Historical Background Information
I chose this group because Diabetes is so prevalent throughout the world and if managed properly people can live full and healthy lives even with this disease. In age with so much access to education about illnesses such as this, people have the tools within reach to control and live with diabetes for a very long time. There are also so many organizations focused on beating this disease and a lot of support for people who are diagnosed with this. Also, I feel that due to society’s trend for fast food and foods high in fat and preservatives and a general unhealthy lifestyle, Diabetes is on the rise and affecting more children and young people than ever.
People have known about Diabetes since prehistoric times but it was first properly identified by the Egyptians 3500 years ago. In the medical books of ancient civilizations of Greece, Rome, India, Egypt and China Diabetes is identified and characterized by the urine's sweet smell. In ancient times, a diagnosis of Diabetes was most certainly a death sentence. It was not until the discovery of insulin that Diabetes became treatable.
Cultural perspective and biases