Lifespan Development

* What observations did you make about the participation of yourself and the others at the meeting?
  * I felt like I had participated in the case meeting to the best of my ability, I had the meeting under control and kept it on track by letting everyone involved have their say.
I also felt as though everyone who was involved in the meeting had participated accordingly, everyone seemed to have enough time to say what was needed without being rushed or being interrupted.

  * How beneficial were their contributions to the future management of the case plan?
  * Everyone involved in the case meeting contributed accordingly, so the case plan will still be needed for the future. Everyone seemed to follow the case plan and set realistic tasks for Pip to reach her goals, meaning that the case plan will need to go ahead so everyone can stay updated on the care of Pip and her unborn baby and offer on going support.

  * How will the decisions made during the meeting affect the future of the case plan?
  * The decisions that were made during the meeting will help continue the future of the case plan, as the decisions made were based on the care of Pip and her unborn baby, which is an ongoing issue and will need to followed up on regularly.

  * What changes/adjustments will need to be made and how will these be made?
  * No major changes are needed to the case plan, as the outcome from the meeting seemed to follow on from the case plan.

  * What did you learn about your skills for facilitating this kind of meeting?
  * I felt as though I had enough skills to run the case meeting, although I noticed that I had some areas that still need to be improved, which will only happen with practice.

  * What else do you need to improve your skills for conducting similar meetings?
  * I need to know when it is alright to do a brief intervention, such as mentioning mandatory reporting. I also need to improve my knowledge of services and what they can...