Letter to the Editor

Your name

October 5, 2014
Dean Baquet
The New York Times

Dear Dean
I am writing this letter to express a concern of mine which is lack of physical activity for children in school. I was walking with my 8 years old cousin four days ago and he was telling me how he loves watching basketball on the television. I went on to ask him if he likes to play basketball, his response was they he would love to but he has no where to play at. I asked him to play at school and he said they don't play basketball or any other sports at school. This had me in shock and it made me think to myself that no wonder why there is so much health problems in our society.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lists some of the benefits of regular physical activity. Physical activity controls weight, reduces risk of heart disease, reduce risk of type 2 diabetes, reduces risk of some cancers, strengthens bones and muscles, and increases your chances of living longer. Another finding I made from The Washington Post Newspaper is that physical activity may be proven to help kids to better in school. One recent study in Georgia invited 111 inactive, overweight kids, age 7 to 11, to participate in an after-school exercise program, during which they were active for at least 20 minutes. Another 60 kids, also overweight, were wait-listed and served as controls. After 13 weeks, the kids in the exercise program performed better than the controls on tests of mental tasks such as planning, organizing and strategizing, as well as on standardized math tests.
Kids spend several hours a day in school for majority of the year so should not this habit be made important at school as well? I just can not help but to imagine how much better our health care system would be if we make physical activity a big importance in people’s lives from their youth onward. Less visits to hospital, less diseases, less money spent on diseases, and so on. Our nation will be healthier certainly thus decreasing...