Lesson Plan

Greenwich Lesson Plan

Date:   10/10/12 | Time: 18.00 | Duration:       180 mins | College Site and room:BG104 |
Course: Basic Construction Skills (6218) | Subject: Practical Brickwork |
No. of students on register: 7 | No. of students present: |
Topic: Herringbone panel Brickwork decorative bonds |
Lesson aims: To give an understanding of decorative bonds within brickwork and being able to identify herringbone panel amongst other brickwork bonds. |
Specific learning outcomes: (what you intend students to achieve in this lesson)Students will be able to: | Assessment method(s): (how each learning outcome will be assessed) |
1 All: Identify decorative bond brickwork | 1Observation, Q+A, Identifying from handouts |
2Some: Set out and herringbone panel | 2 Learner statements, Practical assessment |
3Few: Set out an build herringbone panel walling to required size on drawing | 3 Self assessment and skills test |
Core Skills: |
Literacy/Communication: Group discussions and debates, learners must fill out personal goals at start of session and also complete a learner statement on completion of task. |
Numeracy: Learners must calculate bricks and mortar needed to complete task and set brickwork pattern out from reference of a scaled drawing |
ICT: Not immediately in practical but method/learner statements must be typed up |
Previous knowledge assumed: Learners are at level 3 brickwork stage having completed levels 1 and 2 |
Materials and equipment required: Bricks, mortar, brickwork tools, scaled drawing of 1to20 scale. Pencil, chalk and square. |
Class Profile: (eg disability, gender mix, age range, language, cultural issues of class)All four learners are male aged between 17-21 |
Differentiation: (action to be taken to overcome any barriers to learning)One learner has numeracy support within theory sessions but not in practical |
Time/ Stage | Subject Matter/Content | Teacher Activity | Student Activity | Differentiation/Core...