
(Lemur Family)
Area of relevance #1: Ecology of the Genus Eulemur in Madagascar
Area of relevance #2: Social Structure of the Varencia population
Madagascar is the fourth largest island located just right to South Africa, consisting of 33 unique species, 14 unique genera, and five unique families, all three of these resenting 100 percent levels of endemism. (Nowak, 1999). It’s also a high ranking island for global priorities for conserving primates, typically lemurs. Madagascar is known for its harsh climate, including the three variations of climates on the island. Typically the northern area of Madagascar is a mixture of rainforest and the dry deciduous forest. As the map travels down you notice how throughout the center of Madagascar it’s still that mixture of rainforest and dry deciduous forest but the rainforest is on the eastern side while the dry deciduous forest runs along the west side. And once you reach the south it’s a whole other story. The southern part of Madagascar is dry and typically named “spiny desert forest” and that’s perfect since its one of the harshest climates known on this island.
The Eulemur are sexually dichromatic, which means that the males have a dark gray brown back and a dark tail, while the females are usually a light gray. But both the male and female have a V shape on the crown but the male has more orange on his head and black surrounding the V on each side. The Eulemur is cathemeral and arboreal, cathemeral means that they can be out during the day, and also during the night. This is a distinct trait only in this genus. They also have distinct marking habits; males have three different ways to leave their scent. One is anogenital, which means that they can secrete spray from their anus or genitals. This secretion can actually be used to identify the gender and the individual’s identity (Rowe, 1996). They can also mark with their head and hands; this means that they can rub their forehead on objects to...