Learning and Development Activities

1. Active participation is an approach that enables residence to be included in their care and have a greater say in how they live their life in ways that matter to them. Active participation is an approach that empowers residents in the activities and relationships of everyday life leading to them living as independently as possible. The importance to the resident as an active partner in their own care or support is that it brings physical, psychological, relational and over all wellbeing benefits.

The benefits of active participation can be divided into primary benefits and secondary benefits.

Primary benefits include:

- Physical benefits including greater activity levels.
- Increased independence and autonomy in what people do.
- An opportunity for resident in health and social care settings to have a say in matters of direct concern to their lives.
- Increased opportunities for social contact and interpersonal relationships.
- Encouraging involvement and self awareness.
-   residents become more involved in the community and more aware of opportunities and what they can hope for themselves.
- Increased opportunities for learning and development of important skills, knowledge, education.
-Enhanced well-being, with increases in self-confidence, self-esteem and self-belief.

The secondary benefits can be described as benefits that occur as a result of active participation but are not a direct aim of active participation.   These include:

Decreasing the likelihood of abuse. As the resident engages positively by actively participating is area of their life such as in personal care the scope for abuse by others is reduced.

Decreasing vulnerability. As individuals gain in their self confidence and self esteem they are less prone to exploitation and harm from others.

2.The purpose of having a range of different learning activities is because individuals may learn things in different ways such as by doing something or reading something. The...