Leadership Skills

Leadership Skills
BUS660: Contemporary Issues in Organizational Leadership
Instructor:  Jean Gordon
Leadership Skills
Organizations need great leaders to help them successfully survive the many difficulties of this challenging and changing economy. These leaders must find ways to keep the momentum alive within the organization.   Leaders must be able to develop people, influence others, encourage team work, and empower others. They must have the leadership skills needed to move the business forward.   Some leadership skills that can assist leaders understand group needs, controlling the group, and problem solving.
Successful leaders will vary their leadership styles to meet the development needs of the supervisees they are mentoring to help them reach their potential in their work performance (Ralph, 2004).   Understanding the group you are leading and their unique needs is essential for getting those groups to follow your lead.   Each individual within a group is unique and bring to the business their uniqueness.   Learning about group members needs, characteristics, and what motivates them can help establish a plan to harness each individual’s ability to accomplish goals and task that lay ahead.   Through understanding, leaders are able to balance individual’s needs against the needs of the entire group.
Leaders do lead: The first quality is that leaders are accountable for leading their group or team and they lead from front or behind. In other words, leading from the front means that the leaders actually tell their group or team members what to do and they explain them how to accomplish different goals. However, some leaders believe in leading from behind which means they empower their group or team to think what they need to accomplish and how they should accomplish those tasks. Depending on the situation, these leaders decide whether to lead from the front or behind.

Leaders listen: The second quality is that leaders must have good listening skills....