Leaderhip and Management Leadership Styles

Kurt Lewin (1939) came up with three different styles of leadership.
Autocratic: Absolute power over everything. Autocratic leaders typically make choices based on their own ideas and judgments and rarely accept advice from followers. Autocratic management style would be effective if a staff member displays McGregor’s Theory X.         If this style was used in the everyday running of the home this would result in communication breakdown, low staff morale, a staff team that would feel hostile, not wanting to take an active role within the home because their own creativity would become inhibited.
Bureaucratic: The focus is on everyone following rules and regulations even if they are not the best course of action.
Laissez-faire: The staff are left to their own devices regardless of what they choose to do or how they go about it.
Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard’s situational leadership theory identifies four methods of effective leadership.
Directing leadership style issues instructions and ignores feedback,
Coaching leader works to involve people in decision making and take the time to assist them in solving problems,
Supporting leader works to develop decisions together with followers,
Delegating leader allows followers to make decisions and execute them without direct guidance.
Both Kurt Lewin’s and Hersey and Blanchard’s styles are very similar, Kurt Lewin's Styles are based on the amount of influence and power exercised by the leader’s behavior. Hersey and Blanchard’s four styles are based on leadership behavior becoming a function not only of the characteristics of the leader, but of the characteristics of followers as well.
In my opinion Kurt Lewins styles do not take the welfare of the staff into consideration so the impact on the stakeholders and organization will be negative whereas Hersey and Blanchard’s are based upon staff and their needs from the managers approach to them and the different situations, the outcome would be a positive effect...