
Differences Between What Leaders and Managers Do |
Managers | Leaders |
Working in the system | Working on the system |
React | Create opportunities |
Control risks | Seek opportunities |
Enforce organizational rules | Change organizational rules |
Seek and then follow direction | Provide a vision to believe in and strategic alignment |
Control people by pushing them in the right direction | Motivate people by satisfying basic human needs |
Coordinate effort | Inspire achievement and energize people |
| |
  On which Side You're more Comfortable when You're in Charge? |
Management | versus | Leadership |
restricting | | enabling |
controlling | | freeing |
playing safe | | risking |
molding | | releasing |
forcing | | enhancing |
regimenting | | challenging |
stifling | | participating |
rigid | | flexible |
autocratic | | democratic |
consistent | | predictable |
Doing things right | | Doing right things |
| |
Provide instructions | Coach followers, create self-leaders, and empower them |
On which Side You're more Comfortable when You're in Charge? |
Management | versus | Leadership |
restricting | | enabling |
controlling | | freeing |
playing safe | | risking |
molding | | releasing |
forcing | | enhancing |
regimenting | | challenging |
stifling | | participating |
rigid | | flexible |
autocratic | | democratic |
consistent | | predictable |
Doing things right | | Doing right things |

3 Strategies of Market Leaders |
    * Winning Leaders and Team... More     |

"If people are coming to work excited . . . if they're making mistakes freely and fearlessly . . . if they're having fun . . . if they're concentrating doing things, rather than preparing reports and going to meetings - then somewhere you have leaders."
– Robert Townsend
   12 Major Causes of Failure in Leadership    |
  Leadership vs. Management   Leadership-Management Synergy  ...