Lawrence Sports Simulation

Lawrence Sports Simulation
When an organization or company needs to apply the importance of working capital management there will be certain policies that an organization must enforce in order reduce issues in the business. In this paper, Team A will create at least three types of alternatives for working capital that would try to reduce future difficulties, and make recommendation on the each policy that is related to the Lawrence Sport Simulation. These recommendations will include: an evaluation of the risk associated with the recommendation, contingencies for the recommendation, performance measures that are used to evaluate the recommendation, and an implementation plan for the recommendation. In this discussion the following recommendations will also include a review of the cash conversion cycle for the Lawrence Sport Simulation and how it relates to working capital management.
Risk associated with the recommendation
Doing business financial decisions taken is key for Keep Company profitable and sustainable for long run. One key item for sustain company financial health is the capacity for manager the amount of money (cash) that get in   and amount of cash that get out in other word Inflow and outflow described on   Lawrence Sports Simulation (University of Phoenix, 2012). During the simulation, decision was taken for controlling cash flow. The source of cash flow were mainly the inflow from the principal customer Mayo and outflow to Lawrence`s suppliers (Gartner and Murray).   Another source of cash flow is possibility borrowing money from bank with interest rate range from 10 to 16%. The interest rate increases, increasing the borrowed values.
All possible decision taken impact the overall Lawrence business with its stakeholders, and off course cash flow. Looking for always keep a positive cash flow, company need force receive payment from Mayo not under   Mayo desired, this generates created a risk of Mayo looking for other supplier in future, reducing...