Law Qualifications

The Curriculum includes the following courses:
Year 1 - LLB Part I
Semester I
LA 10 B - Constitutional Law- All of the independent states of the Commonwealth Caribbean have written constitutions which represent their basic law. It is therefore crucial that students be exposed very early in their law course to a study of this basic law. The aim of the Constitutional Law course, then, is to provide such exposure.

LA 11 B - Criminal Law II- This course builds on Criminal Law1 by considering specific crimes: Homicide, Non-Fatal Offences Against the person, Sexual Offences and Offences Against Property including Law of Forgery.

LA 12 B - Law of Contract I- The primary objective of this course is to examine the purpose and scope of the legal protection accorded agreements. To achieve this, the course attempts to deal with the general principles applicable to the types of bargain transactions found in contemporary West Indian society.

LA 12 A/LAW 113 - Legal Research & Writing- The objective of this course is to develop within each student certain basic legal skills including: The ability to understand and analyse legal materials; The ability to discern the relevant issues that arise out of any given factual situation, including the ability to disregard the irrelevant; A working familiarity with primary and secondary research materials and the development of an efficient research technique which enables the student to locate relevant materials on a given legal issue relatively quickly; The ability to organise and express, in a concise, coherent and logical form his/her understanding of the relevant material as it applies or relates to the given factual situation or legal issue.

LA 13 A Law of Torts I- The law of torts is essentially concerned with regulating the means of redressing losses incurred by a person where the person does not rely on a contractual relationship with that person who caused the loss. The issues considered in this course...