Law Encounters

Responses to Three Employment Law Encounters
Stephanie León-Rivera
University of Phoenix
May 11, 2013
Prof. Lirio Bernal-Sánchez

Responses to Three Employment Law Encounters
Given the major changes in business markets, companies have had to change their strategy drastically. Similarly, given the level of competition between companies and with globalization bringing this constantly changing market. Companies are making changes into her operational and organizational plan and also their employees are affected.
Scenario 1
FastServe Inc. is a company of sport apparel clothing. It has 350 employees, and the projected annual earnings are 25 million. FastServe had developed two different websites, online marketing and distribution that will allow the organization to increase in assets. This company is moving to manage the online business. Due to a recent decrease in sales, FastServe was forced to select 5 employees to layoff. The employees to be considered for layoff are Carl Haimes, Brian Carter, Sarah Boyd, Nora Manson and Jenny Mills.
Employees considered for layoff and law encounters
Carl Haimes, is and employee by Contract. The investigation found that Ben the accountant manager was in fault to make offensive remarks about Haime’s sexual orientation. The employment law encounter that affect Haimes Case is according to the “Ley contra el discrimen en el empleo del 1959” (29 L.P.R.A. sec. 146). However, the current federal law does not protect individuals from discrimination due to sexual orientation.
Brian Carter, is and employee by Contract. He is having an absenteeism situation due to his diagnosis of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. To this case could apply the law Americans with Disabilities Act or “Ley ADA” (Ley Núm. 155 del año 2011). This laws do not protect an employee from termination if his or her skill sets are no longer required.
Sarah Boyd, she is the only full time employee and have being in the company for about 15 years. Boyd may...