Knowing Your Audience

Knowing Your Audience

  On August 5, 2010, the world was informed that 33 Chilean mine workers had been trapped. The mining company, Minera San Esteban Primera, had to take the difficult task of informing families and employees of the company about this fatal accident. It was important for the information that was given to be informative and thoughtful, while also taking into account that the message was delivered to two different audiences.
  There are many diverse types of audiences and a number of different ways an audience may be willing to receive what is communicated. Some groups may be willing to embrace the information whereas others may be extremely unwilling. When communicating information, it is important to prepare a broad communication plan that will be aimed for more than one type of audience as well as having more than one type of communication channel.
  It is important to remember that there are different roles and people in an audience. An audience can hold a variation of values, such as social, cultural, political, and religious. When information is given, it is important to consider who needs the information, who will hear it, and what roles the audience is going to take. The audience must understand the information that is being given, and they will hence think about whether or not their expectations have been met.
  In this case one of the most affected groups in the audience is the families of the miners.   In a frightening incident such as this, it is crucial to find what potential needs that the families of the miners will have in receiving this message. By giving and offering support to the families and acknowledging that there may be resistance, anger, or a sense of loss, the families will sense the importance of this situation.
  The families will need to know if there are any updates or changes to the existing problem. It is also crucial to provide tools, such as counseling and a direct contact, which may help or ease the...