Know the Main Forms of Mental Ill Health.

Know the main forms of mental ill health.

-Describe the main types of mental ill health according to the psychiatric (DSM/ICD) classification system: mood disorders, personality disorders, anxiety disorders, psychotic disorders, substance-related disorders, eating disorders, cognitive disorders.

Mood Disorders: is a group of diagnoses in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders (DSM IV TR) classification system where a disturbance in the person's mood is hypothesized   to be the main underlying feature.
Personality Disorders: Personality disorder was not much recognised in the 20th century, but this changed after the British government made considerable sums of money available for public protection of ‘dangerous people with personality disorder’ (‘DSPD’) following the murder of Lin Russell by Michael Stone in 1996.Because Stone had been diagnosed as a “psychopath” and been declared “untreatable” by psychiatrists, the then Home Secretary decided that mental health legislation needed to be changed. Personality disorders are a class of mental disorders characterized by enduring maladaptive patterns of behavior, cognition, and inner experience, exhibited across many contexts and deviating markedly from those accepted by the individual's culture. These patterns develop early, are inflexible, and are associated with significant distress or disability. The definitions may vary somewhat, according to source. Personality, defined psychologically, is the set of enduring behavioral and mental traits that distinguish human beings. Hence, personality disorders are defined by experiences and behaviors that differ from societal norms and expectations. Those diagnosed with a personality disorder may experience difficulties in cognition, emotiveness, interpersonal functioning, or control of impulses. In general, personality disorders are diagnosed in 40–60 percent of psychiatric patients, making them the most frequent of all psychiatric diagnoses.