
Dutch Golden Age Outline
I. Khgjhgkjhgjkhg
II. The Dutch golden age politics contrasted to 17th century France politics.
a. Republican vs. absolutism
1. Dutch had no monarch and was very decentralized.
2. Dutch was very Calvinist and collaborated equally.
3. France very absolute.
4. France monarch has complete and unrestricted power in government.
b. Federations.
1. Dutch had stadtholder which was chief magistrate and responsible for defense and order.
2. Dutch had states general which was federal assembly and delt with foreign affairs.
3. France had absolute monarch in control.
4. France had Estates General which is a legislative body that just debates but doesn't do much/ have much power.
5. France has parlements which are judicial courts.
III. The Dutch golden age society contrasted to 17th century France society.
a. Religion.
1. Dutch was mostly Calvinist but still very religiously tolerant.
2. France was not religiously tolerant, was against Huguenots and very Catholic.
b. Classes.
1. Dutch very middle class.
2. France higher class with nobility trying to gain more power.
IV. The Dutch golden age economy contrasted to 17th century France economy
a. Trade.
1. Dutch value travel.
2. Dutch got food from other places.
3. Dutch lowest shipping rate in Euope.
4. Dutch farm to sell what they raise.
5. Dutch exported diamonds, linens, and pottery.
6. Dutch had best naval trade ships.
7. France had Mississippi Company.
8. France had Mississippi Bubble.
9. France tried paper money.
V. The Dutch golden age’s stability (no so stable due to Dutch Decline).
a. Economy.
1. Trade problems.
2. Get cut out by France, England, and Spain.
3. Other navies advance them.
4. Have farming issues.
5. Fishing industries declined.
6. Stock exchange and financial center still.
b. Political.
1. Decline in political influence.
2. After William III died no more stadtholders.
3. Unified political leadership vanished.