Kite Runner Explores Growing Up

The Kite Runner explores growing up

Hosseini’s novel The Kite Runner shows that as we grow up the need for atonement becomes more important. Hosseini displays these thoughts by using sub themes such as the nature of guilt, father-son relationship, the need for atonement and the friendships shared to explore the concepts of growing up. At the beginning of the story the protagonist, Amir, betrays his friend and half brother by allowing him to get rapped. An immense guilt is then thrust upon him and as he grows up, the need to atone this guilt become a necessity.
The nature of guilt is evident in Amir as he grows due to the use of the first person narration. This first person narration allows the reader to get an understanding of the thought process displayed by the main character. After witnessing the rape of his friend Hassan and deciding to not help but just run instead leads to a guilt that grows bigger every time he tries to ignore it.“...I carved on a tree trunk, Amir and Hassan the sultans of Kabul...I couldn’t stand looking at them now. (pg 76)” Guilt plagues Amir until he must take the advice from an old friend Rahim Khan “there is a way to be good again” (pg 2). Hosseini shows that with growing up the nature of guilt becomes stronger and the need for redemption is more important.
The need of a father-son relationship also haunts the protagonist as he continually struggles to maintain a relationship with his father Baba, this is explored through irony. It is ironic because whilst growing up he is always trying to impress his father and gain his attention. However when Amir is fully grown Baba then need the attention of his son so he can be looked after by both Amir and Amir’s wife Soraya. “Soraya dedicated herself to taking care of my father. She made his toast and tea in the morning, and helped him out of bed (pg 150)”. With constant competition from Hassan for Baba’s love Amor begins to believe his father hates him. “After all I had killed his beloved...