Kennedy's New Frontier

Kennedy’s New Frontier
March 24, 2011

What John F. Kennedy envisioned when he was looking at the new frontier was to get the country moving again. Because everyone was spending all the money they could, they would be running out soon, and not be able to put dinner on the table for the family. However, J.F.K. would try to be the one who got the ball rolling again, and was able to raise minimum wage and he helped put more people in the job force than was already there. Kennedy felt so freely about what the country needed, that he was trying to help get everyone a job, at a decent wage, so that everyone could strive for success. More simply put, “Kennedy started the “war on poverty”. In doing this, J.F.K. also got a huge start on Medicare programs, the Job Corps, Head Start, VISTA, and several major civil rights laws”.


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