Justify Ways of Overcoming Difficulties That May Arise When Implementing Anti-Discriminatory Oractice

Equality is having equal rights and opportunities, people having the same choices and opportunities treated with no one being differently. Diversity is a state of being different, diverse. It brings out the differences between individuals. In a positive sense, it means everyone is respected and valued. Rights are one’s entitlement or freedom to make their own choices.
Residential care refers to long-term care given to adults who stay in a residential setting rather than in their own home or family home. (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Residential- care). Day care is caring for a child or children during the day by people who are not their real guardians. It is also a place for older people who continue live in their own homes but need some support during the day possibly adding to the support they already receive. (www.parklandsconnexion.com/DaycareCentre.aspx?id). Domiciliary care is the support and help with household tasks. Also known as home care, it is the delivery of a range of personal care and support services to individuals in their own homes. (www.phoenixbsc.co.uk).
In the above care settings and others, it is important to for equality, diversity and rights to be promoted. This can be done by respecting the principles of the care value base. The care value base is a range of standards for health and social care which was designed to guide the practice of professionals working in this area. It was created by the care sector consortium in 1992 and came from the National Vocational Qualification to support a well- known set of principles and values for care workers and professionals in health and social care. It was originally identified in codes of care practice. It has seven principles which are; promoting anti-discriminatory practice, maintaining confidentiality (not sharing personal information of a service user with any member of staff), promoting and supporting individuals’ rights to dignity, independence and safety, acknowledging individuals’ rights to...