"Just Marvelous, Lewis. Everyone Thoroughly Enjoyed It, Didn't Think It Was Possible, Came Right Out of Their Shells. They Blossomed, Blossomed!" 'It Is Lewis Who Truly Blossoms in Cosi.' Do You Agree?

In Louis Nowra’s ‘Cosi,’ the protagonist Lewis is displayed as a character that truly blossoms. Lewis is a character that develops the most in the play as he transforms into a character with great sense of understanding towards love and fidelity. He also displays immense appreciation towards the mental patients and continues to demonstrate compassion towards the inmates. With this being said characters like Julie also blossom as she also illustrates a great sense of love and fidelity but not to the extent in which our protagonists Lewis does, As he is shown to have a greater development.

Lewis is firstly introduced as a character with questionable values on love and fidelity especially with his current relationship status; he states “we sometimes talk about commitment but it never gets far,” in reference to Lucy it explains his reasons for doubting love and loyalty. Lewis was also a character who was pessimistic about life values, he frowned upon the ideas of love “Love is not so important nowadays,” He had insignificant appreciation for loves true meaning and values due to his corrupt relationship with Lucy, “I have sex with him but sleep with you,” depicting the corruption involved within his relationship, but as it is seen Julie persuades Lewis and demonstrates her ideologies on commitment as she is a firm believer in loyalty, “Men want woman to deceive them because it’ll prove their worst thoughts about woman,” Lewis’s perception is then evolved into a much greater admiration for love and fidelity as he realises “It’s about important things like love and fidelity” which exemplifies Lewis’s development throughout the play and hence demonstrates that It is Lewis who truly blossoms.  

Furthermore, Lewis’s goal in directing the opera was only for his financial well-being doing it for himself only, “I need the money,’ His view on the mental patients was of the stereotypical views of the outside world and had very little respect for the patients at first...