Joy Luck Club

Amy Tan is a Chinese-American author who wrote a book based on stories of 4 families; the book basically narrates the tales of 4 Chinese women and their Chinese-American daughters.   The book quickly became a best seller after its release in 1989 and later, it was successfully turned into a movie. This review will explore the author’s main theme and purpose in the selected text of the book from pages 41 to 61, and also encompass the main points raised, critically analysing the intentions of the author. In addition, the review will examine the social, historical and cultural elements outstanding in the text. Lastly, there will be an evaluation of the effectiveness of the style used by the writer in trying to accomplish her objectives.
The story focuses on a confusing relationship between a mother and her daughter. The daughter June, feels an element of inadequacy as she tries to come to terms with the fact that she had to replace her mother as the fourth corner at the mah jong table (typical Chinese game).   Throughout the story, the author seems to involve the reader that June felt she was a constant disappointment to her mother. Following her mother’s death June begins to recount her life and the influences that her mother had on her.   June narrates her mother’s gloomy stories which were centred on surviving the hardships, pain and fear of death during the Japanese invasion of China. The idea of The Joy luck club was initially to escape from the pain and fear that surrounded her mother’s life in China. It is revealed in the story that when her mother fled from China to America she left behind two children from her previous marriage that were later traced and found in China.
The author’s intentions were to draw attention to the difficulties faced in a mother and daughter relationship. Amy consistently highlights the strenuous relationship between June and her mother like on page 48 when June’s mother disproves suggestion her daughter looks like her. One could...