
Lamb's Ear: Stachys byzantina, Lamb's Toungue, Woolly Betony

Lamb’s Ear can grow to a height of 12-18 inches in hardiness zones 4-8 and yields tall purple flower heads in May through July. The fuzzy leaves of the plant produce a smell like that of apple when crushed.
Chemical constituents of the plant include betonicine, stachydrene, and trigonelline, all of which are alkaloids. Tannins are also present in the plant.
Fun Fact:
The genus Stachys is said to have received its name from the word Lamb’s Ear is often called Silver Carpet because of its silvery appearance in moonlight, and is an appealing addition to any garden, both for its beauty and velvety feeling to the touch. Some superstitious individuals believe Lamb’s Ear to possess the magical powers to heal emotional and spiritual wounds, likely due to its close relation to other Stachys species which have been shown to heal physical wounds effectively.
Bandages of Woundwort (Stachys palustris) were applied to wounds and bruises in medieval times due to their effectiveness in wound healing. As mentioned earlier, other members of the Stachys genus have medicinal use, and Stachys officinalis was arguably the most important medicinal herb to the Anglo-Saxons of early medieval Britain. Many reports oppose the claim that S. officinalis was the most important medieval herb and favor a claim that S. palustris was, indeed, the most important medieval herb. Likely, though, they were both important in the different areas to which they are native. S. palustris is native to Europe, except iceland, grows to three feet high, has lanc-shaped toothed leaves, and bears spikes of whorled purple flowers from June to September (Strange, 239).
Known as Wood Betony, S. officinalis has effect on the central nervous system, with a sedative effect, but it has been indicated for use in highly numerous conditions, including, but not limited to, dropsy, hypertension, dyspepsia,...