

Workshop Title:   (auto fill) Date:   (auto fill)
Trainer Name:   (auto fill) Partnership:   (auto fill)

The Trainer Feedback Form is intended to capture your reactions to the training you have just completed.   It is not intended as an evaluation tool.   Your feedback is extremely important for a number of reasons:

    • Your responses will assist Partnership staff in understanding participant evaluations and/or special circumstances that may have influenced this particular training (for example, having participants that have been required to attend the training or seasoned workers attending a foundation level training may affect the environment and/or evaluations).

    • Partnerships develop transfer of learning (TOL) activities to assist supervisors in their responsibility to support TOL following training.   Your response will provide information about the use of action plans in training and will supply suggestions to use with supervisors in TOL efforts.

    • Your responses will assist the Partnerships in providing support and development of trainers.

    • Your responses will assist in the development of program improvement and evaluation.

    • Your responses will assist Partnerships in identifying factors relating to curriculum/training outlines that influence training.

Your responses will be reviewed by the training manager who will follow-up with you on any suggestion you have on improving your training skills. Your suggestions regarding curriculum, facility or Partnership support will be passed along to the appropriate people for use in program improvement.   Your ideas may be shared with the other Wisconsin Partnerships as we all work together to improve the quality of training.

Thank you for your thoughtful appraisal of this event and for your commitment to providing quality training.   If you have any questions related to this form please contact the training manager in the Partnership that...