Jane Eyre

The relationship between Jane Eyre and Edward Rochester

Jane Eyre is the story of a woman who finds herself in a world that has not made her growing an easy process, but it’s a woman who, in the end, finds a family and a lover.

The love story starts one evening a few months after Jane’s arrival at Thornfield, when Jane is walking alone watching the moon rise, when she perceives a horse approaching. It calls to her mind the story Bessie once told her about a spirit disguised itself as a horse or a dog, but when she sees that the horse has a rider she comes back to reality and she continues walking. Just after the horse passes her she hears a noise, she turns and sees the horse slipping on a patch of ice and its rider tumbling to the ground. Jane helps the man rise and she introduces herself. It seems quite a commonplace event, but when she returns to Thornfield she finds that the man she helped earlier in the evening is Mr. Rochester, the master of the house.

The day following his arrival, Mr. Rochester invites Jane and Adele to have a tea with him. His attitude towards Jane is rather cold although he seems charmed by her drawings. Because of her status, Jane doesn’t feel very comfortable in front of Mr. Rochester and she doesn’t understand why he’s trying to converse with her when, in the same time, he treats her with some kind of discredit.

From the beginning, Jane is described as a plain woman, lacking the physical beauty. Mr. Rochester is also described as being physically unattractive, dark and sullen. At one point soon after their meeting, Mr. Rochester asks Jane if she finds him attractive, and she surprises him with a firm no.

Jane and Mr. Rochester’s conversations progress in unusual ways. As I said, he asks unusual questions in terms of her beliefs and opinions and as we can see, this is a strategy he uses in order to test her.

In the episode when Mr. Rochester’s bedroom is set aflame, Jane rescues him and, normally she expects some...