It and Cloud Strategy

The Airavat Strategy
Legend has it that Lord Indra’s mythological white elephant, Airavat lived in clouds and   when required, it could produce clouds and travel among them.
Any modern technological company can take a valuable lesson from this tale of lore and understand why the mighty king of elephants decided to choose clouds as his element.   Fast, omnipresent and reliable are the advantages. And that’s what cloud technology means to the IT industry. Moving operations on to the cloud would not only allow an organization to rapidly scale operations but also cut down on the response cycles and become agile. The quick survives and adapts to the constantly changing landscape of applications and the technology which runs them.
And the cloud has always been there, only the industry has conceptualized it now and hence the term has gained popularity. Hard ware time sharing was prevalent in 1960s; an era when systems were bulky and expensive. Later it evolved into utility computing in 1980s and grid computing in 1990s. But these concepts failed to take off because of connectivity issues which later got resolved by the broadband connections which came into mainstream by the internet. But the innovativeness of the business never really caught on despite services providers giving access to a plethora of applications mainly due to the dot com bubble. The 2000s saw a gamut of cloud services like applications and cloud storage being delivered to customers and as a trend emerged, the cloud computing industry got branded and shaped into its present form.

Moving over to cloud is ideal for both large and small, established and start-up businesses. True established businesses would be apprehensive about such a move because they get things done anyways but making their existing processes intelligent by implementing Business Services Management and Process Management tools would require a robust cloud infrastructure already in place. In such cases it’s more of a question of...