Islamic Law or Sharia (the Right Path) Is the Name Given to Islamic Commandments

The purpose of this report is to find the current attitudes of the people in leeds towards saving energy.We interviewed people six female and four male.All of the respondents were white british .Some of them are lawyers ,who are already working in companies .One of them is studying   a masters degree.Others are students who are studying engineering in the University of Leeds. We used some simple questions to ensure that the respondents would be comfortable to find it straight forward to answer . The most important thing was   to make questionnaire clear to respondents.We use questions that required yes or no answers and multiple choice questions.

It can clearly seen that 90% of the respondents switch the lights off when they leave the room and less than 10% of respondents do not switch them off.   It demonstrates that in general people are aware of the importance of turning the lights off. A clear majority are using the oven once a day but 20% of them are using the oven twice a day. A significant proportion (80%) of the respondents agree that energy is saved if only as much water as needed , is boiled. Few respondents see it is fairly useful and 10% of them think it is useless .

The respondents are generally more interested in energy saving pulp lights that using normal lights. There is an evenly balanced spread of opinion about using double glazing. About half of the respondents think that double glazing saves between 61-80%   of energy . And 50% of the respondents think it saves between 81-100%. Most indicate that they leave the Television on standby.This does not follow   general trend of the survey.

All things considered ,people are generally aware of the need to save energy and the majority take steps to do it.These are some exceptions ,for example most people leave the Television o standby .This   could be because do not have off button and need to be turned off at the mains.   The majority of people are using pulp lights but it is surprising that 30% of...