Interventions for Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder

Interventions for children with autistic spectrum disorder
This essay aims to evaluate the approaches used to aid in the support of individuals with autistic spectrum disorder. The main approaches to be covered in this essay are ‘The Applied Behavioural Analysis’ (ABA) approach (more commonly referred to as the Lovaas approach) the TEACCH approach and the Son-Rise programme.
The literature suggests that the most beneficial interventions are those which are initiated at an early stage, especially for those with a primary focus on children (Roth et al. 2009, p.177). Autism was noted primarily in the early 40’s, with Kanner (1943, cited in Lovaas, 1987, p.3) as;
“children who exhibit (a) serious failure to develop relationships with other people before 30 months of age, (b) problems in development of normal language, (c) ritualistic and obsessional behaviors ("insistence on sameness"), and (d) potential for normal intelligence”.
This definition inherently shows the difficulties associated with the ways in which professionals and family members can work with the individual to aid them in their early developmental years. The Lovaas approach began its initial empirical work in the early 70’s which was a behavioural programme designed to take full advantage of behavioural treatment benefits by treating children during most of their ‘waking’ hours and for a lengthy duration (Ibid, p.3).  
The Applied Behavioural Analysis approach: The Lovaas Approach:
Lovass (1987) devised a programme in which the primary focus lay on language growth, social abilities of interactions and the way in which a child was integrated into a school setting, to be known as the UCLA Young Autism Project (Ibid, p.4). Initially the programme focuses on the ability of the child to aid themselves in their development (self-help) and come to understand the meaning of particular forms of language and ways in which play becomes an acceptable form of interaction (guiding the child away from...