Internal Business Analysis

An Analysis Report of Marks and Spencer Business

Oday Alnabhan

An Analysis Report of Marks and Spencer Business

Oday Alnabhan

DBA Student (Doctor of Business Administration-Human Resource Management 2014) (BSc, Banking & Financial Sciences 2003 - MA, Human Resources Management 2006)

1.0 In trod u cti on The aim of this report is to develop an understanding on the concept of strategic change and understand what this process entails. To study the process of strategic change this report analyses the concept of strategic change in detail. This report analyses Marks and Spencer and studies its strategic change in the past five years and determines how the company developed competencies to bring about this change and what were the underlying reasons for the failure of Marks and Spencer's. The report also looks at the change management theory and applies it to Marks and Spencer to asses what the company achieved through its change process and why change was necessary for the company. Also the report will focus on whether the company achieved any organisational learning through the change process. In 1999 the Marks and Spencer launched a new strategy of revitalizing the business, which led to the closure of many stores around the world and the emphasis on the UK business, which had become unprofitable because of increased competition and because the company had lost the focus of consumer needs and wants. The new strategy of the business included the focus on increasing customer relationship and introducing new products and services. The company redesigned their stores to offer a unique shopping experience to the consumers. The company has also put a lot of emphasis on creating a business that is socially responsible. To regain the market share of in the UK market the company had to increase the appeal and value of their products. In 2003 the retail sales went up by 6.6% and the operating profits for the marks and Spencer group where up by...