Interest Profiler

The last assessment conducted was an interest profiler assessment from o(net. This assessment is used as a tool for career exploration, and helps you find out your interests, and how they are related to the working world. There are a total of 180 states that you have to answer with an L for like, a question mark if you are unsure, and a D for dislike. This assessment helps you identify different occupations that fit in with your interests. Three pieces of valuable information you can get out of this assessment are what is important to you in your work world, what your strengths are and what you excel at, and what you like to do. Even though this assessment had a lot of statements for you to go through and answer it did not take a lot of time. It was simple; either you like it, you are unsure about it, or this is something you dislike and will not do by choice.
This was a quick and easy assessment to complete because the statements were short. I also did not have to put a lot of effort into it because I knew if I liked doing something and if I didn’t. If I did not know about something I just put a question mark and moved on to the next statement. . Overall, this took about twenty minutes to complete including scoring as well. Some of the questions were overlapping with one another such as singing and acting, and managing a supermarket and a clothing store. The scoring was the hardest part for me because it was printed out in black and white instead of color coated sections. There were six sections for you to receive scores; realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional.   Each section had a color but was written in which made it harder for me to see. To score this assessment you had to go across each row and add up the number of likes, then another row of likes and add them together to get a score. For example, the likes from rows 4 and 5 which are colored green had to be added with rows 6 and 7, which were also labeled as green. Then...