Interactive Simulation Paper

Interactive Simulation Paper
What are some measures a company may take to reasonably accommodate people with disabilities, or those with a known drug abuse problem, and how does the simulation demonstrate these?
Employers must reasonably accommodate employees or applicants to prevent any negative actions that can obstruct a qualified applicant or employee's performance. Employment laws are in place to ensure individuals are not discriminated because of a mental or physical disability. However, if an employer can demonstrate that the necessary accomidation will cause an undue hardship for the organization the organization may be relieved of this responsibility. An employer is also relieved of the responsibility if the individual who requires the accommodation chooses not to accept the benefit. Employers should ensure that the company’s hiring practices do not discriminate against individuals. If an organization uses stanard testing for a specific position, the test must be specific to the requirements of the position (Bennett-Alexander & Hartman, 2007).
If an employer requires an individual to take a drug and alcohol test once an offer is made, the organization must have a clear policy that dictates the action that will be taken based on the results of the test. The employer must also communicate the policy to the employee or potential employee prior to the exam (Bennett-Alexander & Hartman, 2007). Additionaly, employers may have a separate policy for active employees indicating the requirements for testing and how a negative result will be delt with. Some companys may have a no tolerance policy or a policy that offers an individual the opportunity to enter a mandatory program in effort to keep his or her employment with the company.
The first scenario of the simulation provided specific guidelines on the repsonsibilites for dealing with individuals with disabilities and individuals with a drug problem. This part of the simulation also provided HHP’s...